Kamis, 07 April 2011

Welcome to Watch Reviews by MCV

Welcome!  My name is Marc and my ‘handle’ is ‘MCV.’  This is my new watch reviews blog and I’m glad you’ve stopped by.
I have been a professional writer for over 25 years and a dedicated watch enthusiast/hobbyist for over 15 years.  In case you’re not familiar with someone who is a true watch nut, the term is WIS (watch idiot savant).  It’s a widely used acronym found on many of the watch forums that populate the Internet.
I’m a frequent poster at the Poor Man’s Watch Forum (PMWF).   I also visit the Sales Corner at Timezone on a regular basis.
My tastes in watches run wide, from cheap $25 quartz pieces to mid-priced $500 Swiss automatics to others costing more.  My goal with this blog is to provide entertaining, honest, easy-to-read, accurate and unbiased reviews of the watches I purchase.  I also don’t get too technical with my reviews.  I write these reviews with the understanding that those reading them will have a basic knowledge of watch terminology, but if there is something you don’t understand, you can always ask for a clarification.  I am by no means a know-it-all and there’s always something more I can learn, and if there’s something you feel I missed or was incorrect on, please let me know.
A few notes about my reviews:
-I have personally purchased the watches I review and in almost all cases, the reviewed watches were purchased brand new.  If I review a watch that I do not own or have received for review purposes, I will state this in the review.
-All photos (unless otherwise noted) have been taken by me with an Olympus C765 Ultrazoom digital camera.  I photograph the watches in natural light, and occasionally with a flash.  I do not Photoshop or otherwise enhance or change the photos in any way.  The pictures you see are as close to seeing the watch in person as you can get.  Therefore, you may see the random speck of dust, a smudge, fingerprints, glare, etc.
-The format of my reviews will be text first, then the pictures.  I will occasionally have a review with the pictures interspersed with the text, but I prefer having pictures at the end.  Lots of people like to look at the pictures only and this layout allows them to easily do so.  Also, it makes it easier to read the review without having pictures get in the way.
-I have no affiliation with the watch brands or watch companies of the watches I review.
-If I keep a watch for a long enough time, I will sometimes report back on longer term accuracy, durability, battery life, etc. as a real-world update of sorts to a previously posted review.  Being a true WIS, I tend to buy and sell quite a lot and often times will not hold onto a watch long enough to have an extended experience with it.  But don’t worry, I do hang on to quite a few pieces.
-I assume no responsibility for my reviews.  These reviews should be used as a guide to the kind of watch you are interested in.  I do my best to convey accurately my feelings about the watches, but remember, ultimately, they are my opinions and observations and your experience may run counter to mine.
-Since watch prices vary widely and some manufacturers have ‘fantasy’ MSRPs (manufacturer suggested retail price) that their watches never sell at, I will list the MSRP (and note if it’s a fantasy MSRP) and also list a street price in some cases, that is, the price you can realistically expect to pay either on-line or from a brick and mortar retailer.
And that’s it!  Enough of my ramblings, please enjoy my watch reviews and please stop back for updates and other features that may be added as time goes by.

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